College of Business & Management

Message from the Dean

Welcome to Hope International University’s College of Business and Management (CBM).

Almost all businesses have had to alter operations, communication, processes, expectations, plans, and goals. As enterprises transform and adapt to the post-pandemic world and its consequent revised needs, our HIU's CBM is actively and enthusiastically responding in kind. We are keenly aware our students must develop new skills such as digital fluency and resilience, positive behaviors and attitudes including perseverance and grit, effective decision making, and innovation to pioneer ethical, inclusive, and collaborative social and mission-driven results through business, all while learning to practically integrate spiritual truths into best business practices in the world. 

Our competitive advantage is the Royals Advantage, Kingdom business and economics. For instance, in the Kingdom, there is abundance and generosity, an inheritance God has set aside for us based on faith, an economy in which demand creates supply, and a place of peace, joy, and rest (shalom) in the finished work of Jesus. We have the honor and pleasure of co-laboring with Him in creative solutions to meet our societies’ demands and critical needs. In contrast, the world’s economy is scarcity, fear of loss, the temptation to hoard, striving, and seeking to make things happen by maneuvering and manipulating efforts to control situations’ outcomes. When we instead seek first the Kingdom of God, we have a royal competitive business advantage.

The CBM demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement, excellence in business education, and advancing academic quality in its business programs and operations. Each year, students enrolled in Hope International University’s graduate and undergraduate business programs can participate in GLO-BUS. This global online interactive business strategy simulation requires applying skillsets acquired from all our business courses. Recently, three teams of HIU students ranked in the top 25, including the top overall team! Hundreds of schools and thousands of students participate in the online simulation. To be ranked at the top is a phenomenal accomplishment that reflects our programs’ qualities and strengths.

We are pleased and honored to walk alongside you at this exciting, pivotal moment in your life. You will find our faculty to be competent, personable, accessible, prayerful, and supportive of you and your unique callings. We look forward to helping you think, act, manage and lead well. Please reach out regularly to develop strong connections with us for your present and future business successes.

Lydia R. Knopf, Ph.D.

Dean, College of Business and Management


The College of Business and Management at Hope International University has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11374 Strang Line Road in Lenexa, Kansas, USA. For a listing of accredited programs, click here.


Business Administration

The College of Business and Management offers an online Bachelor's degree in Business Administration that can be completed in as little as 3 years.

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